
Candlemas - February 2

Greetings All,
I just wanted to send a reminder of an important Earth based Holy Day that has become obscured as "Ground Hogs Day".  That day is Candlemas, and takes places February 2.  This day is the mid-point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, and is considered one of the most potent of all the cross quarter holy days of the year.  It is the true beginning of Spring.  And as such it is the time to set, or plant, for those who work with the Earth, your intentions for this coming year.  Many of the religious traditions around the globe celebrate this, although by different names, but the power of this day is recognize everywhere.

Light a candle, both to acknowledge the purifying fire of this day, as well as to set your intention.  Contemplate what do you want to plan for this coming year, what do you want to create for your life?  Allow yourself the time and space to delve more deeply into your dreams and desires, and write them down, make it clear, and align with this seasonal energy to support you in manifesting your intentions for this year.  If you don't make it concrete, it easy to forget ourselves as the year goes by, to allow momentary priorities to take precedence over our deepest passions, dreams and creations.

Don't judge your dreams, it doesn't matter what they are, how big or small, only that they are important to you, something you would like to manifest this coming year. Perhaps a new beginning, a different way of being, a new livelihood, or home, manifesting more abundance, finding your Great Work in the world.  Perhaps deeper, new ways of seeing yourself and your beliefs about how you live in the world, seeing the way the critical mind gets in the way of almost everything, developing more compassion, for yourself or others, opening to more love of life, getting healing for yourself, discovering what you are passionate about, practicing more creation, the possibilities are only limited by the judgements that limit our imagination.

Whatever your dreams, hopes, passions, desires and intentions your set down for this coming year, I wish you the highest Blessings of the Universe that everything that is for your highest good manifests to the maximum potential for your Life.

Blessed Candlemas to All

Be Love.  Be Smooth.


Anger: Part 2: Depression

This is such a powerful, deep and difficult discussion.  When we do not listen to, and then repress, the wisdom of our anger, which is giving us information that something in our life is not alright, depression results.  And Depression is a guidance system that tells us we are not paying attention to our emotional body, and that could be from one of many sources.  We may be ignoring sadness, grief, longing, despair, frustration, loneliness, or any other variety of emotions.  But if Anger is serving as the secondary emotion of protection and we don't learn how to go deeper, Depression will result.

The challenge is how to not make Depression wrong, but rather to recognize it as a navigation system back to ourselves.  Depression shows you what needs to happen.  It makes you stop.  It makes you question.  It makes you see everything differently, often darkly, but there may be some truth in that darkness that is trying to guide you.  The key is to go deeper than the symptoms, literally ask the Depression what are the feelings that it wants you to know about, and then be available for what arises.  It may be that there are many layers of feelings, present or past that have been waiting for your attention, that are part of the Depression.  All of them are valid, and need to have your compassionate awareness turned towards them.

The key to working with the emotional body is always the same.  It is necessary to bring your undivided, compassionate attention to the feelings that are arising, and then go deeper into each feeling, delving deep to find the wisdom and guidance contained within each.  Emotions carry Intelligence, and we have to learn how to access that Intelligence in order to allow our lives to Transform into a new level of Consciousness, and subsequently a new quality of Life.

Be Love.  Be Smooth.

Many Blessings


Anger: Part 2: Depression

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internet radio with Maggi Quinlan PhD on Blog Talk Radio

Change Your Agreements, Change Your Life

Integrity and Honor are words we don't hear enough of in our personal dialogues, and especially in our collective and political realms.  And all too often, those using the words are doing just that, using them, not practicing them.  This talk is about the Shaman, Healer and Teacher Don Miguel Ruiz, and the powerfully small book he wrote called "The Four Agreements".  They are simple, but powerful recognitions of the ways we keep ourselves out of honor and integrity with ourself and with our world, and what we can do to change that into a different reality.

We are the Co-Creators of our lives.  What do we want to create?  What are the qualities that are most important?  Perhaps the 4 Agreements will help you to discover that, so you can move your life into a deeper experience of empowerment and transformation.  And as we know, Consciousness is contagious.  Be a Being of Honor, a warrior of Integrity, a peacekeeper of Light, and a staff for the  Transformation into Higher Consciousness that is birthing itself into Being in every moment.

Be Love.  Be Smooth.

Many Blessings


The Agreements We Make

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Listen to
internet radio with Maggi Quinlan PhD on Blog Talk Radio